Inspiring Christian Webinars For Everyone

In this webinar, author and spiritual director Lacy Finn Borgo will lead participants in making a simple Advent labyrinth. They will explore the value of embodied practice and the invitations hiding in “serious play.”

We’ve all heard the statistics—many young people are leaving the Church. What would it look like to focus on accompanying them one disciple at a time? For more inspiring Christian webinars, click here.

Spiritual Direction

inspiring Christian webinarsSometimes called spiritual accompaniment, spiritual companioning, and even spiritual mentoring, Christian spiritual direction is a graced way to serve fellow Christians. Trained spiritual directors are able to listen deeply and provide space for a person’s spiritual journey and deepest desires.

Spiritual direction is a specialized ministry in which one Christian serves another as a spiritual companion and guide. The director’s role is primarily to be a holy listener and help the directee notice God’s presence in their life, discern his inspirations and surrender to him.

While it is not therapy, this ministry often requires training in communication skills, personality dynamics, and various resources on prayer and Scripture. The spiritual director also helps the director explore different Christian spiritual practices. It is a relationship that nurtures communion and fosters transformation. It is a long tradition that has served seekers from many walks of life for centuries.

The Works of Mercy

Deeply rooted in Sacred Scripture, the works of mercy allow us to be God’s hands and face to the world. Seven corporal and spiritual actions reflect Jesus’ love for his disciples:


  • Feed the hungry.
  • Give a drink to the thirsty.
  • Clothe the naked.
  • Visit the imprisoned.
  • Shelter people were experiencing homelessness.
  • Visit the sick.
  • Bury the dead.

This webinar will offer a deeper look at how to use icons and the practice of gazing upon them in worship, including ways to combine this with lectio divina and Scripture for adult and adolescent faith formation. The webinar will be led by Steve Binz, a leading expert on Eastern Christianity and the use of icons in Western Christian practice.

With the global decline in marriage and an increasing number of Christians living as singles, how should churches respond? This webinar will examine the significant shifts occurring and how discipleship, intergenerational ministry practice and outreach must change in order to stay relevant.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is the practice of mending rifts within the church community. It involves embracing core Christian values and embodying the love and understanding that Jesus Christ exemplified.

A successful conflict resolution strategy requires a balance of listening, determining underlying needs, and prioritizing unity over being right. It also requires a willingness to compromise and collaborate. Additionally, blaming others can be extremely difficult to overcome.

Providing congregation members with biblical insights empowers them to handle disputes in a God-honoring manner. An excellent way to do this is by promoting Bible study groups or organizing workshops that teach congregation members about Christian conflict resolution principles. For more inspiring Christian webinars, click here.

It can help to prevent a church crisis and keep conflicts from spiralling out of control. It’s also essential to encourage a spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation among all parties involved in the conflict. Then, a productive solution can be found. In doing this, it is essential to promote healthy communication and avoid gossiping behind people’s backs.

Lenten Retreats

With Lent upon us, there are plenty of Lenten retreats available online and in person. These virtual retreats are perfect for anyone who can’t get away from their daily lives to participate in a real-world event.

One of the most popular options is the Ignatian retreat from Loyola Press. This guided retreat starts the week of Ash Wednesday and lasts through Holy Week and Easter. Each day, you will receive a video reflection and a meditation to incorporate into your own prayer life.

The Hope of Lent is another retreat option that is specially made for persons with a chronic illness or disability and their caregivers. It teaches how to pray the Examen throughout Lent and includes journal pages to accompany each session.

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